Respond in writing to the following questions.
"To a nation that was living through the stress of the nuclear arms race and had faced the real prospect of nuclear war, the satiric treatment of the nation's leaders was a release from deep fears and tensions. " (Allan). Comment on this statement with reference to the film.
Do you think President Muffley right to try to call back the bombers and to give the Soviets information so that they could shoot down the bombers that could not be called back?
Drawing on your assessment of the film, which do you think exerted a more unsettling effect: the existence of the weapons or the people in charge? What is the movie saying about the cause of the Cold War?
The character Dr. Strangelove appears in only a few scenes in the film. Why is the film named after him?
Kubrick obviously had strong opinions about the threat of nuclear war, yet he chose a comedy as the vehicle to get his point across. What is his point and did he get his point across successfully?
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