Operation Foxley
Der Fuehrer's Face
Triumph of the Will
Private SNAFU Gets Gassed
Why We Fight
How Did The British Plan to Kill Hitler?
source: http://www.nationalarchives.
Using primary sources from the website, complete the following tasks.
1. Read Source 1. This is the introduction to Operation Foxley, the British plan to assassinate Hitler.
What is the 'object' of Operation Foxley?
How many different methods are put forward?
Where is the assassination likely to be carried out? Find the two places mentioned.
2. Read Source 2. This piece of the file details the plans for assassination at Salsburg railway station.
What method of killing Hitler is described here?
What is meant by the word 'medium'?
What is meant by the word 'operatives'?
Briefly describe how the cleaners could be used to kill Hitler.
Who else could be used in this plan?
What will cause the poison to mix in the water?
3. Read Source 3. This section of the plan describes the poison which could be used.
How much of 'I' kills?
What would 'I' not be suitable for? Why is this?
List all the reasons why 'I' is the best 'medium' to use.
4. Read Source 4. This section of the plan details Hitler's drinking habits.
Read Hitler's drinking habits carefully. What would be the best way of poisoning him without the poison being detected?
Consider the following factors in your answer:
How likely is there to be the right opportunity to put this plan into action?
If the plan goes ahead, how likely is it to kill rather than just injure Hitler?
How likely is it that the people carrying out the plan will be caught?
5. Read Source 5. This section of the plan deals with the opportunities to assassinate Hitler in Obersalzberg. How will the assassins know whether Hitler is in Obersalzberg?
6. Look at Source 6. This is a map of the area of the Berghof, Hitler's home in Obersalzberg.
Study the map carefully. Where do you think would be a good place to make the assassination attempt? Why is this?
7. Read Source 7. This section of the plan describes the opportunity to assassinate Hitler during one of his daily walks.
Find Hitler's walk on the map shown in Source 6. Was this one of the locations you suggested?
How well protected is Hitler on this walk?
What cover does the area provide for would-be assassins?
8. Read Source 8. This section deals with locations for the assassins.
Can you work out where on the map (Source 6) the assassins should launch their attack on Hitler?
What weapons should the assassins carry?
What disguises are suggested?
9. Read Source 9. If the first plan fails, what is the alternative one?
10. By comparing the plans for the attempts on Hitler's life, you should be able to decide which plan has the greatest chance of succeeding.
On the back of this sheet, write a note to the Prime Minister outlining which of the assassination plans should go ahead. Give full reasons for your choice.
Propaganda at the Movies!
What did the word propaganda originally mean?
What is its current definition? Does it have a positive or negative connotation?
What does the narrator mean by the term honest propaganda?
Complete this activity by watching and responding to excerpts from several propaganda films.
1. Title: Why We Fight (film series)
Artist's Name: Frank Capra
Describe the images and sound in this film.
What is the poster's objective - that is, what is it trying to get the viewer to believe, think, or do?
How do the film's images and sound work to accomplish the objective?
2. Title: Triumph of the Will
Artist's Name: Leni Riefenstahl
Describe the images and sound in this film.
What is the poster's objective - that is, what is it trying to get the viewer to believe, think, or do?
How do the film's images and sound work to accomplish the objective?
3. Title: Private SNAFU Gets Gassed
Artist's Name: Warner Brothers
Describe the images and sound in this film.
What is the poster's objective - that is, what is it trying to get the viewer to believe, think, or do?
How do the film's images and sound work to accomplish the objective?
4. Title: Der Fuehrer's Face
Artist's Name: Warner Brothers
Describe the images and sound in this film.
What is the poster's objective - that is, what is it trying to get the viewer to believe, think, or do?
How do the film's images and sound work to accomplish the objective?
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